Friday, November 16, 2007

And the hits just keep on coming!

"And the hits just keep on coming!!!". I am no Tom Cruise, this middle age madness is killing me. I have had one disappointing result after another on various counts. Perhaps it is just because I put myself on a pedestal and expect too much out of myself. But there will always be setbacks and repentances over decisions that have gone past us.

So should I sit down and brood over this bad event or move on. Perhaps, there is value in comparing and put a needle on where I am as against all my contemporaries but my Prof. in college when I was 18 dissuaded me to and I have never looked back. I want to do what I want to do and wont compromise on will and action.

So perhaps I will do the due get the rationale behind a decision. But I am not going to contest a dead issue. Nothing can be changed in a world of Blue suits and Chicken wills. I had a premonition that this is coming. So be it.

Let us move on. Think of better things in life. My baby accepted my frog croaks as a lullaby. Good start!!

1 comment:

Ignatius Prashanth said...

At the forefront, the narration needs to be appreciated. Reading this blog, I feel nostalgic of my school days. Wondering what this guy is speakin about?

My maths teacher who sat by my side, when I dint get the expected score in the 10th Board exams. (Not that i failed, I scored around 85 when everybody expected to be among top 3) and the hits kept on coming.

That is when these golden words were said which is still etched in my soul ( I am not paraphrasing it), "Remember when the going gets tough - the tough gets going, when adversities strike inspite of ur hardwork, it is a symptom God is tempering you for greater things". Since that day I have never looked back.

I just found this quite appropriate
for this blog