Sunday, April 20, 2008

Be yourself

In as much life can provide us, some people get lucky and some people get the raw deal. In a pessimistic way we all see that we got on the wrong side of Lady luck at some point in our lives. So if everyone gets unlucky then who is the lucky one. A question that we can all ponder about. We get vibes like "In the wrong place", "Bad timing", "Why me?" and sometimes these get topped by "Why me GOD?". These follow deep dives into moments of self deprecation even though this struggle lies within ourselves.

As you get older these taunts get faster and thicker and it takes a while to exorcise the ghosts of ill luck. The only thing we can do is stop take this hippo time on a timeout. Bouts of silence and introspection are required. But they dont have to turn us into a recluse. These thoughts should happen in the ounces of loneliness you get when you walk to the car to join your guys for a fun time or for the matter any in between times. Taking time out to rue on what's happening weighs us down rather than stacking up the morale.

The best thing that we can do is smile and be brave. Acknowledge the fact that you can lose, be foolish and become a laughing stock at times. The pursuit of happiness can become a elusive obsession for people who think that they are flawless and always deserve the best. I realize that how important it is to press on and face each day with a smile.

Life is beautiful. If we stop living for tomorrows for better or for worse we get to live one extra happy moment. How the world sees us and greets us keeps changing, but nobody can compromise your will except yourself. Just be yourself.

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